Инструментальные – Patmos (Www.blagovam.org)
Radu - Spring melody (Instrumental Group)
Благословенная мелодия (King of kings)
Morning bird (G. Diniku) (Inspiration from the Classic)
Adagio (Inspired by Eternity)
Schinders List (Inspired by Eternity)
Знаешь ли ручей (King of kings)
Chaconne (Inspired by Eternity)
Kreisler - Allegro (Instrumental Group)
Palladio (K. Jenkins) (Inspiration from the Classic)
D. Cacinni Ave Maria (Fresh Wind)
We Will Rejoice Together (Fresh Wind)
Он Иегова (King of kings)
Wonderful Meeting (Inspired by Eternity)
Moldovian Chora (Reflections)
Radu - Spring melody (Instrumental Group)
"Nocturne for violin" (И.Дювали)