Anny Felix

J.S. Bach
Christ lag in Todesbanden (BWV 4)//Soprano: Anny Felbermayer; Tenor: Fritz Uhl; Baritone: Hans Braun//Wiener Kammerchor (Vienna Chamber Choir) / Wiener Kammerochester Choir & Orchestra of the Bach Guild//cond Felix Prohaska// 1951
Anny Felbermayer, Felix Prohaska, Choir of the Bach Guild, Orchestra of the Bach Guild
Cantata No. 202: Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten (Wedding Cantata), BWV202: iv. Recitative (Soprano): Drum sucht auch Amor sein Vergnugen
мне никогда не стать поэтом
ты не заметишь свет во мраке
J.S. Bach
Cantata No. 146 "Wir müssen durch viel Trübsal in das Reich Gottes eingehen" (Anny Felbermayer - soprano, Erika Wien - alto, Hugo Meyer Welfing - tenor, Norman Foster - bass, Choir & Orchestra of the Bach Guild, Felix Prohaska - co
Anny Felbermayer, Orchestra of the Bach Guild, Felix Prohaska, Choir of the Bach Guild
Cantata No. 202: Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten (Wedding Cantata), BWV202: ix. Gavotte (Soprano): Sehet in Zufriedenheit tausend helle Wohlfahrstage
Anny Felbermayer, Orchestra of the Bach Guild, Felix Prohaska, Choir of the Bach Guild
Cantata No. 202: Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten (Wedding Cantata), BWV202: ii. Recitative (Soprano): Die Welt wird wieder neu
Anny Felbermayer, Felix Prohaska, Choir of the Bach Guild, Orchestra of the Bach Guild
Cantata No. 202: Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten (Wedding Cantata), BWV202: viii. Recitative (Soprano): So wei das Band der keuschen Liebe
Anny Felbermeyer, Hans Braun, Felix Prohaska, Choir of the Bach Guild, Orchestra of the Bach Guild
Cantata No.140: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme (27th Sunday after Trinity), BWV140: iii. Duet (Soprano, Bass): Wenn kömmst du, mein Heil
Anny Felbermayer, Orchestra of the Bach Guild, Felix Prohaska, Choir of the Bach Guild
Cantata No. 202: Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten (Wedding Cantata), BWV202: i. Aria (Soprano): Weichet nur, betrubte Schatten
Anny Felbermayer, Orchestra of the Bach Guild, Felix Prohaska, Choir of the Bach Guild
Cantata No. 202: Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten (Wedding Cantata), BWV202: v. Aria (Soprano): Wenn die Fruhlingslufte streichen
J.S. Bach
Cantata No. 202, "Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten" ("Wedding Cantata"), BWV 202 (Anny Felbermayer - soprano, Bach Guild Choir & Orchestra, Felix Prohaska), 1952-54
Anny Felbermayer, Felix Prohaska, Choir of the Bach Guild, Orchestra of the Bach Guild
Cantata No. 202: Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten (Wedding Cantata), BWV202: vi. Recitative (Soprano): Und dieses ist das Glucke
J.S. Bach
Cantata No. 161 "Komm, du süße Todesstunde" (Anny Felbermayer - soprano, Hilde Rössel-Majdan - alto, Waldemar Kmentt - tenor, Choir & Orchestra of the Bach Guild, Felix Prohaska - conductor), 1952
Anny Felbermeyer, Choir of the Bach Guild, Orchestra of the Bach Guild, Alfred Uhl, Felix Prohaska
Cantata No.4: Christ lag in Todesbanden (Easter Sunday), BWV4: vi. Duet (Soprano, Tenor): So feiern wir das hohe Fest
J.S. Bach
Cantata No. 140, "Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme", BWV 140 (Soprano: Anny Felbermayer; Baritone: Hans Braun. Choir of the Bach Guild, Orchestra of the Bach Guild, Felix Prohaska), 1951
Anny Felbermayer, Orchestra of the Bach Guild, Felix Prohaska, Choir of the Bach Guild
Cantata No. 202: Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten (Wedding Cantata), BWV202: iii. Aria (Soprano): Phoebus eilt mit schnellen Pferden
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