The excess congestion of cerebrospinal fluid in ventricular system of a brain as a result of difficulty of her movement to the place of absorption to blood system from the newborn has demanded surgical intervention as an endoscopic ventriculocisternostomy
At pulp jaundice owing to damage of hepatocytes their function on catching of free bilirubin from blood, to his linkng with glucuronide acid with formation of nontoxical water-soluble bilirubin-glucuronide and allocation of the last in bilious capillaries
Penetration amputation knife in the internal organs of a rotten corpse
Corpseincinerating Furmace
Tracheotomy in case of a sharp stenosis of a throat a called malignant tumor
Corpseincinerating Furmace
Section #7
Corpseincinerating Furmace
Perforation of hollow body a stomach - an intestinal path owing to which peritonitis with the subsequent surgical intervention of radical sanitation of the purulent center at the patient was formed led to a lethal outcome.